The symptoms of parasites in the body of the man

Any person may the body to install parasites. Noted on the sources of the WHO, that each person in a year is infected by the helminth. The sources of contamination are: the sick, the animals. The parasites are transferred on the legs of flies. A person can get through the skin, mucous membranes, swallowing of the eggs of helminth parasites, with water, food and dust.

The diagnosis of helminthiasis

Unfortunately not immediately the person begins to feel the presence in the body of parasites, and only then, when there will be a lot and starts pronounced discomfort. So, how do you know if there are parasites in the human body, the symptoms and a lot of useful information on the following.

It is important! Each person needs to know on what signs it is possible to detect the presence of parasites in the body.

As you determine the presence of parasites

The helminth infection in the initial phase, you can recognize their presence on a number of characteristics. Therefore, in the event of termination of the recognition can prevent further reproduction on time and correctly to diagnose and treat.

You can even monitor their state, then not difficult to determine how do you know if there are parasites in the human body, the symptoms of the infection of all the generals.

The presence of worms in the body is determined by one of the following reasons:

  • the appearance on the skin of eczema, of papillom, hives, as an allergic reaction;
  • the presence of cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, which is not treatable the traditional methods;
  • the increase in the frequency of common colds, as well as the presence of helminths decreases the immunity;
  • at night, during sleep, the reading of the gnashing of teeth.
  • abdominal pain, joint pain;
  • diarrhea, bloating, or constipation caused by the lack of the pancreatic juice and the bile, and blocked the exit of long months and a half;
  • brittle nails;
  • The analysis of the presence of parasites
  • the loss and dryness of your hair;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting during the intake of food;
  • headaches related to the constant poisoning;
  • edema of the hands and feet;
  • the state of nervousness increased, and the presence of depression.

So, how do I know if it is in the body of parasites in your house, you can yourself, it is important to note that the diagnosis facilitates the fact that most of these symptoms is observed in almost all members of the family, such as helminths are infected gradually, almost all the people present in the house. In the presence of these symptoms should go to the hospital and at least first to submit analyses of cala eggs of the helminth, and an appointment with the commissioner of militia of a district therapist.

Detect the presence of helminths opisthorchiasis of the child, you can, if early in the morning paste to the anus with transparent tape. If an infection, the eggs of the worm lie on the sticky surface.

It is important! For the accuracy of the analysis and pass the stools of the eggs of the helminth per day 3 times during the week.

The signs of the definition of helminths of the child to the home

Due to the lack of compliance of sanitary rules, are most often exposed to the infection of helminth infections in children. But when the manifestation of the infection among them has its own characteristics, compared to adults.

Experienced pediatrician can immediately recognize the presence of helminths by the following symptoms:

  • drools-flow during sleep and the conversation;
  • cutan flaking on the eyelids;
  • common to the whims of the child and request a long sleep;
  • the growing need of the consumption of sweets;
  • itching in the anal region;
  • breaking the nails of the child and dry hair;
  • frequent colds.

During the demonstration, several of these signs, we can assert the presence of the infestation of helminths.
If you are still in doubt and do not know how to find out if it is in the body of the parasites, the main characteristic of the infection is considered a violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The signs of worms in children

Thus, as in most of the parasites is admitted there. They feed on the nutrients from human food, the products of their secretion poison the body, causing this evil. They may lay eggs in one end and out the intestines, the liver, the lungs, the lymph nodes, the heart and even the brain.

It is important! It is not necessary to forget about the presence in the environment of the pests, the standards of hygiene and prevention.

What violations occur in the body

After a long period of time is not the recognition of parasites may occur a variety of complications and diseases:

  • anemia;
  • the delay in the development of the child (physical and mental);
  • the inflammatory processes in the intestine, the gallbladder and its branches;
  • the weakening of the immunity;
  • the bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • oncology;
  • joint of muscle pain.

Therefore, we have explained how to know if parasites in the human body. The symptoms mainly depend upon the infestation of parasites to some organs, the time of infection. Therefore, the need to remember and each year, to conduct an investigation on their availability.